I've finally gotten back to reading fiction, and what a great reunion it's been! A book club selected Girl Waits With Gun, by Amy Stewart, and it was the perfect book to reignite my love for a good novel. Without further ado, here are my favorite recent reads.
Well, sometimes our best laid plans get preempted by other things. :) While I haven’t blogged my books recently, I didn’t want to get too far into 2015 without sharing some of my favorites from last year.
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Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success (now Why Helping Others Drives Our Success), Adam Grant
This is one of the best books I’ve read recently, and certainly goes in my top 5 or 10 nonfiction books of all time. (I used post-it notes to mark up this library book for days!) Part of that lies in the originality of the topic (at least to me). While we all know that successful people are motivated, talented, and maximize opportunities, Grant believes there is a fourth component to success: ‘reciprocity style.’
I love to read. Like LOVE it. That won’t be hard to believe when I tell you I read five books in April. And I’m already partway through three others. All this to say, I read a lot. And not in the speed-reading way. In the read-some-paragraphs-twice, highlight-my-favorite-passages sort of way.
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